You might want to improve your security louvers with some anti-climbing measures to make sure you are doing everything possible to keep the building safe.
If you are handling the security of a commercial business, you know protecting everything isn’t a joke. There are many options to look into, including louvers, which are nice at deterring crime and stopping anyone from entering a property. That said, you might want to improve your security louvers with some extra security measures to make sure you are doing everything possible to keep the building safe. This might be a requirement for a few industries, especially those that handle sensitive information that can not be breached. We will look at a handful of anti-climbing measures that may complement the custom louver setup and help improve security as a whole. Read on to learn more!
Defense Wire
Whether you are using razor wire or barbed wire, this is usually an option that industrial settings use. It might not always be the right choice depending on the louver’s configuration, but where suitable, razor and barbed wire can be a useful tool; you also have to make sure you are taking a look at local laws and regulations. Defensive wiring is usually only suitable for industrial areas and is not the most pleasing-looking mechanism available. If you are not worried about anyone seeing the louvers or your fence and just want something effective, defensive wires could be a better option for you.
Creative Plants and Shrubbery
On the other end, you have plants and shrubbery. Nature can be a very effective way to discourage people and is also nice at keeping your aesthetics looking nice. If the business is visible and you have all kinds of visitors and guests coming in and out, consider looking into the suitable types of plants that are tall and large. There are plenty of bushes, shrubs, and even vines that grow big thorns and could help discourage people from trying to hop over the louvers. Since it is a natural option, this is sometimes better since it presents less of a risk to any wildlife, so it’s a smart choice if the business is around nature.
Spikes on the Property
Manufactured spikes are not always ideal, especially against someone who knows what they are doing. That being said, it could help reduce crimes of opportunity and act as a form of deterrent. There are all kinds of long, angled spike options available that go a long way in increasing the security of your facility, and this can be applied to louvers and fences both.
When you are ready for quality louvers, the professionals at Hercules Custom Louvers are ready to help. For more information and to learn how we can meet your custom louver needs, contact Hercules Custom Louvers online or giving us a call at 1-800-331-2590. We will ensure your investment serves your property for years to come! For updates and to see projects we’re working on, visit us on Facebook, Twitter, Twitter, YouTube, and Pinterest.